tirsdag 5. januar 2010

Hey Hey!

Today me and my friend, Vilde made each our own blog! How Aaaaawesooome is that? Well, it's pretty awesome! Every monday evening we go to Elixia to dance Afrodance. There we have learned some killer moves, and if you are interested we can teach you! Remember it's important to stay in shape! ;)

Today, after school, Vilde and I and our awesome friend Tiril are going to a café called Stockfleth's. And there they have the best coffee EVAAAAH! You have to taste it!!

Well that's all I have for now! If you like what you have just read, then pleeeeaaase continue to read my awesome blog! You cannot find any other more aaawsooome blog than this one, because this one is the most aaaawesomenes of the awesomenest blog in the whole wide world!

Take care, Teddybare.. if you dare.. I don't care!

2 kommentarer:

  1. haha What an aweesomeee post! :D :D
    You've got some awesome writingskills my friend! ;D

    I've been waiting until for eeveeer to read a new post from you! have you left you blogg missy?! Its been ages since you wrote something here!! I want to read something! Im so exited and I just can't hide it! I'm about to loose contole and I think I like it ;) hahahah NOT! But seriously though! I want to see more from your blog! I loove it!
    Take care teddybear!
